ABOUT byebye eczema
byebye Creams was founded by doctor Amir Yazdan in his pursuit of a better eczema treatment for a family friend. After researching the most popular treatments and having their ingredients lab tested; he discovered that very little of the contents were beneficial. In fact, many contained fillers and chemicals that he would never recommend using.
So, using only the best natural ingredients, he began making batches of his own cream. With each batch the recipe was refined, and the results began to astonish the patient. Soon, requests began to come from far and wide for more of this new, healthier alternative for treating eczema.
The demand for the product naturally led to founding byebye Creams in 2014. Since then the company and the product have seen incredible growth. byebye products are proudly made in the USA using FDA approved facilities to ensure consistently remarkable results.
Now, Dr. Yazdan and his team continue to pursue healthy treatments for common issues like eczema, sweaty palms, and chronic pain.
Dr. Yazdan’s Heartwarming Story of Why He Created byebye Cream

Amir Yazdan, MD
After making a quick stop for gas on New Year’s Eve in South Carolina, by chance, Dr. Yazdan heard a woman’s frantic voice yelling for help. Dr. Yazdan ran across a busy intersection to find a woman standing in the middle of the street as her son, Tiger laid lifeless in the backseat. “My baby isn’t breathing” she says.
Thankfully, because of Dr. Yazdan’s medical experience as a Cosmetic and ER surgeon, he desperately began giving the boy CPR. One thing kept going through Yazdan’s head: “don’t let this kid die.” As the ambulance arrived, Dr. Yazdan continued to work on him until he miraculously started breathing again.

Tiger & Dr. Yazdan
Tiger’s mom said there was no doubt that Yazdan saved her sons life that evening. This unique bond has since led to a lifetime of friendship.
Fast forward 6 months later, Tiger flew out to Southern California to spend time with Dr. Yazdan and his wife. Upon entering the pool, they noticed he had a severe eczema rash consuming a majority of his body. He immediately jumped out as the chlorine was causing the rash to burn significantly. Tiger’s mom had told Yazdan that they have tried everything from over the counter to topical steroids on him and nothing seemed to tame the severity of his eczema. Dr. Yazdan hated seeing Tiger suffer while on vacation so he immediately started researching the most popular treatments and having their ingredients lab tested; he discovered that very little of the contents were beneficial. In fact, many contained fillers and chemicals that he would never recommend using.
So, using only the best organic ingredients, he began making batches of his own cream. With each batch the recipe was refined, and the results began to astonish them all. By the end of Tiger’s trip out to California, his severe eczema rashes had completely vanished.
Soon, requests began to come from far and wide for more of this new, healthier alternative for treating eczema. And so, Doctor Developed was founded, and continues to pursue healthy treatments for common issues. The end all goal was to create a cream that is 100% natural, and a certified organic product safe for daily use by adults and children. Sensitive enough for children, yet strong enough for severe eczema!
Byebye products are proudly made in the USA using FDA approved facilities to ensure consistently remarkable results.
We are so confident that our products will improve your skin symptoms that we offer a 30-day money back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the results. Simply send back the unused portion and any feedback you have on your experience with the product for a complete refund.
byebye Creams is proud to use only natural and organic ingredients in our products. We never sacrifice the quality of ingredients by using synthetic fillers and we only source our ingredients from trusted growers and distributors.